The PHC Advisory Committee was established in 2019 to help guide, assist, and advise Project Homeless Connect. This past year, the Advisory Committee has served as a pillar of support during a time of transition and change. Committee Members are members of the community, who volunteer to share their expert knowledge of fields and experiences for the betterment of PHC.
Pamela Grayson-Holmon – Executive Director

Pamela is a native of San Francisco and has a deep appreciation for the rich history of the city as well as the surrounding Bay Area. Having grown up in the Western Addition, she experienced firsthand the vanishing housing inventory within her community – causing people to be displaced.
With an MBA and certifications from The National Affordable Housing Management Association in Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO) and Fair Housing Compliance (FHC), Pamela comes with over 15+ years of experience. As a driver of sustainable business development and efficient operations for community-facing organizations, she has a proven ability to revitalize organizations, champion innovative campaigns, and capture untapped opportunities for growth.
Her work is rooted in social justice, and she is deeply committed to positively impacting the needs of the underserved and underrepresented communities. Pamela is committed to not only help house people, but to alleviate the cycle of poverty.
Penny Eardley – Chairperson

Joining the San Francisco Public Health Foundation as Executive Director in 2010, Penny Eardley brings 40 years of experience in non-profit leadership with a record of successful team management, fiscal responsibility, fund development and strategic planning. She has won several awards, including the designation as outstanding Santa Barbara County Public Health Professional in 2001. She has been a volunteer and advisor to Project Homeless Connect since 2010.
Omar Reyes Silvestri – Member

Omar has extensive experience providing crisis intervention services, including case management, counseling, and advocacy, to victims and witnesses of crimes as well as the homeless population. He has worked for several years in the Bay Area, both in the non-profit sector and in the government, where he coordinated volunteer programs and assisted victims and witnesses of crime in navigating the Criminal Justice System. Omar has a Law Degree from Bolivia and a Master of Arts in Psychology from Golden Gate University. Additionally, he is a passionate tennis player and a Professional Tennis Instructor.
Troy Brunet– Member

A constant volunteer. If Troy can contribute back to the community, for which they have been so supportive of him, he will do just that. He is the 1st recipient of the PHC Compassion Award in 2018 and now serves on the Advisory Committee of Project Homeless Connect. He is the Lead Representative for the Reading Glasses Program at Project Homeless Connect, which is for providing reading glasses for those in need. In years past, he has also served on the Boards of Directors for Tenderloin Health, Community Housing Partnership, GGBA (Goldengate Business Association) and the Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco. In his words — “I hope others will be inspired to get involved in their communities also”.
Interested in learning more about Project Homeless Connect’s Advisory Committee? Email us at